Take a fresh look at your lifestyle.

كتاب الانجليزية ثاني ثانوي مسارات pdf


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محتوى كتاب انجليزي ثاني ثانوي مسارات pdf

Scope and Sequence Term 3 Term 2 Term 1
Unit 1: Connect X
Unit 2: Crime Doesn’t Pay X
Unit 3: Far and Away X
Unit 4: TV Around the World X
Unit 5: Working 9 to 5 X X
Unit 6: Going Green X X
Unit 7: There’s No Place Like Home X X
Unit 8: The Sporting Life X
Unit 9: Laugh Out Loud X
Unit 10: You Are What You Eat X
Unit 11: Amazing Animals X
Unit 12: What Would You Do? X

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 النطاق والتسلسل في كتاب انجليزي ثاني ثانوي مسارات pdf:

Unit Title Functions Grammar

Pages 2-5

Express opinion, feeling and preference Agree and disagree

Ask for and give information and instructions

Warning and advice

Had better, Recycling/using familiar verb forms, prepositions, modifiers, inversion, conditionals
1 Connected by

Pages 6-19

Ask for clarification and confirm Discuss using technology for communication

Talk about personality characteristics

Auxiliary verbs: do, have, be The comparative and superlative Needs to be done; have/get something done Past participles as adjectives


2 Crime Doesn’t Pay

Pages 20-33

Discuss crime and punishment Read and discuss newspaper articles Explain steps in a process The passive

Past perfect and past perfect progressive

Simple past tense: be, regular and irregular verbs

Used to and would

Past progressive tense

3 Far and Away

Pages 34-47

Talk about travel experiences and travel dreams

Discuss hotels and services Make and decline special requests

Adverbs of degree

Sentence adverbs Future with be going to and will Information questions

Present progressive

4 TV Around the World

Pages 48-61

Discuss types of TV programs

Express and explain preferences

Express certainty

Talking about festivals

Direct and indirect objects

To and for before indirect objects Articles

Adjective clauses and relative pronouns Relative pronouns as subjects and objects


Pages 62-71

Language Review

Reading: Computer Viruses: A Headache for Humans

Reading: The Psychology of Color

5 Working 9 to 5

Pages 72-85

Talk about jobs Ask for favors, make requests and ask for information Express obligation, necessity and lack of necessity Subjunctive

I’d like you + infinitive / I want you + infinitive

Tag questions

6 Going Green

Pages 86-99

Evaluate how “green” you are

Discuss ways to be environmentally responsible

Make suggestions

Express preferences with I’d rather

Gerunds after verbs

Infinitives after verbs

Simple present tense versus present progressive

Conditional sentences with present and future forms

7 There’s No Place Like Home

Pages 100-113

Talk about your home

Describe things you are looking for

Words connected with directions for places

Expressing requests, offers, promises, warnings; making decisions

Adjective order

Too and enough

Discuss quotes and feelings about home

The Sporting Life

Pages 114-127

Talk about the OlympicsTalk about sports and athletesEncourage and express confidence in someoneExplain steps in a process or game Gerunds as subjectsSuperlative + present perfectPresent Perfect Progressive versus present perfect simpleTime expressions: How long …?Adverbs of mannerComparative forms and structures with adjectives and adverbs

Expansion Unit 5-8

Pages 128-137

Language Review

Reading: Can You Believe They Believed It?

Language Plus: Idioms with colors

Tools for Writing: Common errors with prepositions


Pages 138–141

Express personal view/objective comment, enthusiasm/regret/wishes/strong agreementTalk about advantages/disadvantages, possibility/ necessity/consequence/result, relate past to present, size/characteristics, make deductions about past/present, report statements/ questions/thoughts, focus on action Recycle familiar verb forms, simple present/ narrative, connectors and modifiers, passive forms, would –hypothesis, progressive forms, have something done, modals

Laugh Out Loud

Pages 142–155

Talk about humor Explain consequences with comparatives Tell and respond to jokes Expressing wishes, regret and criticism Past and present participial adjectives Get + adjective; Get + past participle The…the… comparatives Such…that/ so…that Can’t, could, couldn’t, must, may, or might

You Are What You Eat

Pages 156–169

Talk about food myths Discuss eating habits Offer, accept, and decline food and drink Phrasal verbs Separable and nonseparable phrasal verbs Three-word phrasal verbs Count/noncount nouns Expressions of quantity: some/any, few, little, a lot of, much/many, enough Would like Words connected with recipes Sequence words: First, then, after that, finally

Amazing Animals

Pages 170–183

Talk about animals and their behavior Ask for advice Give advice Passive modals The passive with reporting verbs Adjectives All/both/neither/none; Both…and…/neither… nor…/either…or…

What Would You Do?

Pages 184–197

Talk about ethics and morals Discuss ethical dilemmas Give opinions Present hypothetical conditionals versus past hypothetical conditionals Implied conditionals As if/As though for unreal situations Future progressive and future perfect Time expressions for the future: by the year, this time tomorrow Used to versus be used to Was/were going to

Expansion Unit 9-12

Pages 198–203

Language Review

Reading: Mind Over Matter

Language Plus: Idioms with mind

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